
All are welcome at Bo’s Cigar Lounge

Are you new to the world of cigars, an experienced smoker, or somewhere in between? Wherever you are in your cigar journey, we’re here to help. Bo’s offer a wide variety of cigars, lighters, cutters, humidors, and other cigar related items. Cigar is a passion of ours and our staff can help out with all your cigar inquiries.

All your cigar needs can be met here, including a place to smoke! Enjoy your cigar in our lounge with the good company of our patrons. Only cigars purchased from our humidor can be smoked in our lounges. Memberships are available, but you do not need to be a member to visit our shops.


Bellflower, CA

There are a limited number of cigar lockers currently available at our Bellflower shop. Each locker is climate controlled by the same system that keeps our cigars fresh in the big humidor and we'll put a nice brass plaque on your locker with your name on it!

Membership benefits:

  • Exclusive use of the membership room at Bo's Bellfower

  • Discounts on all purchases

  • First access to LE or rare cigars

  • Priority for event sales

Membership Fee:

  • Small (approx. 2.5 cu.ft.) $420/year

  • Large (approx. 4.5 cu.ft.) $600/year


  • $150 monthly spending at Bo’s Bellflower (does not include locker fee)

Speak to Bo or Mimi if you're interested in your own cigar locker!

Bo’s Bellflower entrance